On this page you will find links to our Student Code of Conduct and other important policies.
Kimberley Park State School's Student Code of Conduct can be found here:
KPSS Student Code of Conduct 2024-2027 (PDF, 5.59KB)
Please view our Uniform Policy here: KPSS Uniform Policy (PDF, 59.32KB)
and information about purchasing KP school uniforms here: Uniforms
Click on these links for information about medications at school:
Types of Medication (PDF, 41.49KB)
Documents schools require to administer medication (PDF, 94.33KB)
Consent to administer medication form (PDF, 160.98KB)
Medication order for 'as needed' medication (PDF, 189.27KB)
There is no place for bullying at Kimberley Park State School. Bullying is repeated behaviour that jeopardises the rights and wellbeing of others. Research suggests, sadly, that many young people who experience bullying may tell no one. If you believe your child is experiencing any form of bullying please contact the school.
The following link also provides helpful advice for parents and children in relation to bullying - Action Against Bullying