Gifted Education Policy
Education Queensland's Framework for Gifted Education was sent to all schools during 2004.
The Framework consists of:
The Policy for the Education of Students who are Gifted Guidelines for Acceleration within the compulsory years of schooling.
As a learning community, Kimberley Park values the diverse gifts of its members. All students are treated as potentially gifted. Our aim is to provide a supportive learning environment where gifts and talents can be recognised, nurtured and developed.
Our in-class provision builds self-esteem and self-understanding with opportunities for enrichment, extension and acceleration.
Classrooms operate on the basis that:
all students can benefit from the many aspects of gifted education
learning is matched to students' needs and learning styles with opportunity for student/teacher negotiation
gifted students need a differentiated curriculum
opportunity is given for quick mastery of the basic skills through curriculum compacting
learning skills are explicitly taught - creative, critical and futures thinking, problem solving, decision making, research and cooperative skills
learning is enhanced through group interaction with opportunities for the interaction of like minds
students display real life products with evaluation by self, peer and real audiences.
In a classroom environment that is supportive and stimulating, gifts emerge. Our identification processes are multi-faceted, inclusive and ongoing because giftedness is developmental and not specific to gender, culture or socio-economic groups.
a supportive school environment which identifies, recognises and values a wide range of gifts and talents
students have increased control over and responsibility for their own learning
students have access to a differentiated curriculum inclusive of their learning styles and pace of learning
students are empowered to become self-directed life-long learners equipped to benefit the community and themselves.